Applied Time Series Econometrics



We will R and E-views for the exercises.

The R software can be downloaded from the link below :

R studio can be downloaded the link below :    

The E-views program can be downloaded by clicking here.

Day I 

Data files  here

Code files here

Power points  DAY I



Day II

Here is a collection of stuffs that we will use in day II. 

click here to download

Here is the video from day II



Here is the material for day III.

Here is the video recording. 


Day IV

Here is the data and slides.

Click here

Here is the video record 


Assignment I 

Download the assignment from here.


Day V
Here is the data and slides.

Click here

Assignment 2 

Download here.

 Video here 

Day VI

Here is the data and slides.

Click to download

Here is the record of the discussion.

 Day VII

Here is the data and slides.

Click to download 

Here is the record of the discussion.



Here is the data and slides.



 Day IX

Here is the data and slides.


Day X : Use of R in Regression Analysis  

Meeting Details Here is the data and slides.

 Click Here


Day XI

Here is the data and slides.

 Click Here



Meeting Details 

Time : 8:15 PM (April 15) 

Meeting ID: 434 621 0558
Pass code: 123

Here is the data and slides.

 Click Here



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