Friday, May 22, 2020

COVID-19 labour market impact in Nepal Jobs: ILO

International labor organization has estimated the job losses in Nepal due to the corona crisis. Here is the summary of main findings: 
  • Between 1.6 and 2.0 million jobs are likely to be disrupted in Nepal in the current crisis, either with complete job loss or reduced working hours and wages.
  • In total, 631,000 female jobs and 1.3 million jobs for men are estimated at risk.
  • In total, around 27 percent (193100) of the 7.1 employed people are at medium to high risk

  • The jobs disrupted includes nearly 780,000 workers in wholesale and retail trade, 446,000 in manufacturing, 404,000 in construction, 211,000 in transport and 62,000 in accommodation and food service activities and 83,000 in other services, real estate and administrative activities.

  •  Approximately 5.7 million or 80.8 per cent of workers in Nepal have informal jobs. The majority of workers in all sectors are in informal employment, including the sectors expected to face the highest degree of disruption: construction (97 per cent), trade (74 per cent) and manufacturing (84 per cent).
 The report can be accessed here. 

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