Treemap is a hierarchical chart in which higher values are represented by bigger rectangles. Such a chart can be created in R by using treemap package.
For instance, we have the COVID-19 cases in Nepal by province and gender . The data looks like :
SN | province | gender | cases |
1 | Province_I | Male | 15614 |
2 | Province_II | Male | 16066 |
3 | Province_III | Male | 70088 |
4 | Province_IV_ | Male | 8705 |
5 | Province_V | Male | 16597 |
6 | Province_VI | Male | 4480 |
7 | Province_VII | Male | 8314 |
8 | Province_I | Female | 8741 |
9 | Province_II | Female | 3326 |
10 | Province_III | Female | 44503 |
11 | Province_IV_ | Female | 3732 |
12 | Province_V | Female | 6997 |
13 | Province_VI | Female | 1470 |
14 | Province_VII | Female | 2842 |
We can make a simple treemap by creating this data in R and saving it as 'datafile' object and following the commands below .
title="Distribution of CoviD-19 Cases in Nepal",
It will produce a chart like below :
To plot the treemap with labels, we can do a simple trick : find totals by province and the plot the treemap.
mutate(newlab=paste(province, p_total, sep ="\n"))%>%
treemap(index="newlab", vSize="p_total",
title="Disribution of COVID-19 Cases in Nepal",
palette = "Reds",
It will produce the map as shown below :
Finally, we can group the chart with gender and show the map with province and gender. This can be done by :
treemap(datafile, index=c("province","gender"),
vSize="cases", type="index",
fontsize.labels=c(15,12), #
fontcolor.labels=c("white","blue"), #
fontface.labels=c(2,1), #
title="Disribution of COVID-19 Cases in Nepal",
bg.labels=c("transparent"), #
c("center", "center")),
c("right", "bottom"),
# place of labels in the rectangle
inflate.labels=F ) # If true, labels are bigger when rectangle is bigger.
It will produce the following map in R .
The R script file is available here.
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