The Central Bureau of Statistics Nepal released preliminary national account estimates of Nepal for 2020/21 on April 30, 2021. According to CBS, real output is estimated to grow by 4.01 percent in 2020/21 compared to a contraction by 2.09 percent in the previous year. At basic prices, real GDP is estimated to grow by 3.98 percent in 2020/21.
Agriculture sector is estimated to expand by 2.6 percent compared to a growth of 2.2 percent in the previous year. Industry sector is estimated to expand by 5.0 percent compared to a contraction of 3.7 percent in the previous year. Likewise, the services sector is estimated to grow by 4.4 percent compared to a contraction by 4 percent in the last year.
Per capita GDP and per capita GNI are estimated to reach 1191 and 1196 US dollars respectively in 2021. Consumption GDP ratio is estimated to be 93.38 percent, gross domestic saving GDP ratio 6.62 percent, gross national savings GDP 31.4 percent and gross fixed capital formation GDP to be 27.26 percent in 2021.
The share of agriculture sector in GDP is estimated to be 25.83 percent, share of industry 13.11 percent and the share of services sector 61.06 percent.
Details can be found here
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