Nexus between Financial Inclusion, Financial Inequality, Economic Growth and Income Inequality
The discussion on the relationship between financial access,
economic growth and inequality has received considerable attention of the
policymakers, academicians, and scholars in the recent years. It has been
argued that financial inclusion fosters economic growth and helps in reducing
economic inequality by making financial services available to the public at a
reasonable cost and increases the gains of individuals from participation in financial
markets. Early discussions on this issue show that financial inclusion relaxes
the credit constraints for the poor by lowering the borrowing and information
costs, enhances growth and reduces inequality (Galor and Zeira, 1993; Aghion
and Bolton, 1997). However, recent studies
have come up with mixed conclusions. In addition, some studies have focused on
the non-linear relationship between financial inclusion and income inequality (Greenwood
and Jovanovic, 1990; Townsend and Ueda, 2006). Also, some of the recent studies
have emphasized on financial inclusion as a broader concept which includes not
only the access to financial services, but also the use of services, ease of
accessing the services, quality of the services and inequality in the
distribution of such services. These studies argue that in the presence of
higher financial inequality, increasing financial access can disproportionately
benefit the wealthy agents and thus increases income inequality in the early
stages, thereby nullifying the positive effects (Dabla Norris et al., 2015;
Sahay et al., 2015).
This article attempts to analyze the nexus between financial
inclusion, inequality in the distribution of financial services, economic
growth and inequality by using a sample of 112 countries. First, it estimates financial
inclusion index for the countries using a number of access and usage indicators
and then investigates the linkages of such index with growth, financial
inequality and income inequality. Then, it investigates the financial access
and inequality in Nepalese context and draws some policy implications for
maximizing the gains from expanding financial access.
rest of the article is structured as follows: section two constructs financial inclusion
index and assesses the status of financial inequality, section three
investigates the relationship among the variables under consideration, section four
delves into a discussion in Nepalese context and the final section concludes
the article with some policy implications.
Status of Financial Inclusion and Financial Inequality
available measures on financial inclusion show that financial inclusion has
improved rapidly in all countries over the years but there is still a huge
spatial as well gender gap across the globe. The percentage of adults having an
account at financial institution has increased to 71 percent in 2021 but at the
country level, such share varies from 21 percent to 100 percent (World Bank,
2021), creating large geospatial difference across the countries. In addition,
the differences in other aspects of financial inclusion such as the usage of
financial services, restrictions at place in accessing the services and the
quality of services offered by the financial institutions are even more
pronounced (World Bank, 2021).
To evaluate the level of financial inclusion within a cross-country
context, a financial inclusion index has been computed by using six financial access
indicators and seven usage indicators spanning 112 countries. The list of the
indicators used for the computation is provided in Table 1 below. The data are
available in the Findex Survey published by the World Bank and Financial Access
Survey published by the IMF. The financial inclusion index has been computed as
the weighted average of the indicators normalized by using the global mini-max
criterion. This method has been used by Sarma (2012), AFI (2016), Park and
Mercado (2018), Nguyen (2020) and RBI (2021) to compute such index.
Table 1
Indicators Used for the Estimation of
Financial Inclusion Index
Access Indicators |
Usage Indicators |
Account (% age 15+) |
Used a debit or credit card (% age
15+) |
Owns a debit or credit card (% age
15+) |
Has an inactive account (% age
15+) |
No. of commercial bank branches/1,000
km2 |
Saved at a financial institution
(% age 15+) |
Commercial bank branches/ 100,000
adults |
Borrowed any money (% age 15+) |
No. of ATMs per 1,000 km2 |
Made or received a digital payment
(% age 15+) |
No. of ATMs/100,000 adults |
Deposits of household sector with
commercial banks (% of GDP) |
Outstanding loans from commercial
banks (% of GDP) |
Estimation results show that while Hong Kong, Canada, Korea,
Singapore, and Norway are on the top of the financial inclusion frontier as of
2021, Pakistan, Madagascar, Iraq, Tajikistan and Lebanon are on the lower end. Nepal
has achieved moderate type of progress in this journey compared to other
countries. It ranks 70 out of the 112 countries included in the computation
implying that more than half of the countries in the sample are ahead of Nepal.
In terms of the individual indicators, Nepal is behind in terms of the
percentage of adults that use debit/credit card, the percent of adults who save
at financial institutions and the percent of adults who make digital payments.
In terms of these three indicators, Nepal's position is far below the average
of the 112 countries included in the sample. In the south Asia, Sri Lanka and
India are ahead of Nepal while Bangladesh and Pakistan are behind (Chart 1).
Financial Inclusion Index and
Relative Position of Countries
Source: Author’s Estimation from Findex, World Bank (2021) and
FAS, IMF (2021)
Outer circle represents higher financial inclusion.
the context of financial inclusion, one of the recently focused issues is the
inequality in the distribution of financial services. Literature shows that in
the initial stage, inequality in the access to financial services worsens as
access to financial services increases and after a certain level of financial
access, such inequality declines (Aslan et al., 2017). This effect is referred to
Kuznets-type relationship followed by financial inequality. Aslan et al. (2017)
show that more than half of the countries in the world have moderate to high
level of financial inequality as reflected by a Gini coefficient of 0.30 or
higher (Chart 2), which has created corresponding adverse impact on income inequality
in the countries. While very few high-income countries have the issue of such inequality,
majority of the lower middle-income countries and upper middle-income countries
included in the sample have higher financial inequality (Table 2).
Table 2 Financial
Inequality by Income Groups |
Chart 2 Financial Inclusion and Financial Inequality |
Source: Aslan et al., (2017) |
Relationship between Financial Inclusion, Growth and
There exists a strong theoratical argument in favor of the
positive relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth. The most
important channel argued behind this mechanism is the greater gains achieved from
expanding participation in fianncial markets, removal of credit constraints and
reduced cost of financial services. Majority of empirical literature support
this argument and conclude a positive association between financial inclusion
and growth. Some of the studies in this line include Estrada et al. (2010),
Kpodar and Andrianaivo (2011), Camara
and Tuesta (2014), Lenka and Sharma (2017), Le et al. (2019), Vo and Nguyen
(2019), Ifediora, et al. (2022), and Abdallah et al. (2023). On the other hand,
some studies document a low or even negative impact of financial inclusion on
economic growth (Gómez Rodríguez et al., 2021).
Chart 3 plots the financial inclusion index from the sample
countries against economic growth achieved by the countries during 2015-2019.
It shows that the association between financial inclusion and economic growth appears
to be weak.
estimate the effect of financial inclusion on economic growth, the growth
regression has been estimated for the low and medium-income countries with the
widely used control variables in the literature. The regression results of the
growth equation show that despite the expected positive sign of financial
inclusion index and expected negative sign of financial inequality, structural
features as proxied by the share of agriculture in total output and traditional
factors of production matter more for economic growth. This might be because of
the structural rigidities present in the countries as measured by the share of
agricultural sector in total output which constraints financial inclusion as a
lubricant of economic growth.
Scatterplot of Financial Inclusion Index
and Economic Growth
Table 3
Regression Results for the Growth Equation
Growth |
Coef. |
St.Err. |
t-value |
p-value |
Conf |
Interval] |
Sig |
lnindex |
.01 |
.456 |
0.02 |
.983 |
-.903 |
.922 |
Inf |
-.046 |
.031 |
-1.47 |
.147 |
-.109 |
.017 |
Lncf |
1.67 |
.789 |
2.12 |
.039 |
.09 |
3.25 |
** |
Lntrade |
.277 |
.641 |
0.43 |
.667 |
-1.006 |
1.56 |
Lnagri |
1.321 |
.33 |
4.01 |
0 |
.661 |
1.981 |
*** |
Lnpop |
.341 |
.176 |
1.93 |
.058 |
-.012 |
.694 |
* |
Ineq |
-.275 |
.519 |
-0.53 |
.598 |
-1.315 |
.765 |
Constant |
-10.929 |
5.491 |
-1.99 |
.051 |
-21.925 |
.067 |
* |
Mean dependent var. |
3.748 |
SD dependent var. |
2.022 |
R-squared |
0.425 |
Number of obs.
65 |
F-test |
6.015 |
Prob > F |
0.000 |
Akaike crit. (AIC) |
255.034 |
Bayesian crit. (BIC) |
272.429 |
*** p<.01, ** p<.05, *
p<.1 |
Source: Authors Estimation from World Bank Data |
lnindex=Log of financial inclusion index, inf=Inflation, lncf=log of capital
formation, lntrde=log of trade GDP ratio, lnagri=log of share of agriculture in
GDP, lnpop=log of population, ineq=dummy for financial inequality (high=1).
refer to 2019. Earlier data used because of COVID crisis and subsequent
disturbances in the world economy.
Regarding the
relationship between fiancial inclusion and income inequality too, the
available empirical literature is not conclusive. Some studies find that
financial inclusion leads to a reduction in income inequality implying that the
authorities need to pay more attention to financial inclusion to effectively
reduce income inequality. These studies argue that financial inclusion create
opportunities for the poor and the disadvantaged thereby creating positive
income effect (Omar and Inaba, 2020; Dabla-Norris et al., 2015; García-Herrer
and Turégano, 2015; Salazar-Cantú et al., 2015; Sahay et al., 2015). On the
other strand, other studies including Honohan (2007), Park and Mercado (2015)
and Park and Mercado (2018) find little econometric evidence on the argument that
financial inclusion lowers income inequality. They argue that financial
inclusion could benefit those who already have access to financial inclusion
and disproportionately benefit the rich.
Recently, focus has been given to
the inequality in financial services while examining the effect of financial
inclusion in growth as well as income inequality. In
this context, Aslan et al. (2017) investigate the
links between financial inclusion, gender, and income inequality and argue that
inequality in financial access is significantly related to income inequality.
Dabla Norris et al. (2015) argue that financial inclusion can help reduce
income inequality only if it increases the access of the poor thereby reducing
the financial inequality. Otherwise, such inclusion can disproportionately
benefit the wealthy agents and increase income inequality.
Chart 4 presents
the scatterplot between financial inclusion index and income inequality in the
sample countries. It shows that there is likely to be negative association
between financial inclusion and income inequality, however, after controlling
for the other variables in the inequality regression, the relationship appears to
be weak as shown by the regression results in Table 4.
Chart 4
of Financial Inclusion Index and Income Inequality
Source: World Bank (2021), IMF (2021) and Author's Estimates
The regression results show that economic growth
and trade openness help improve income inequality while the inequality in
financial services worsens it. This implies that in the presence of high
inequality of financial services, progress in financial access does not create
its intended impact on income inequality. These results are consistent with the
findings of Aslan et al. (2017).
Regression Results for the Inequality Equation
Lngini |
Coef. |
St.Err. |
t-value |
p-value |
[95% Conf |
Interval] |
Sig |
Lnindex |
-.073 |
.047 |
-1.56 |
.123 |
-.167 |
.02 |
Inf |
.001 |
.003 |
0.27 |
.79 |
-.006 |
.008 |
Lntrade |
-.093 |
.044 |
-2.13 |
.036 |
-.18 |
-.006 |
** |
Ineq |
.114 |
.052 |
2.21 |
.03 |
.011 |
.217 |
** |
Growth |
-.023 |
.011 |
-2.09 |
.039 |
-.045 |
-.001 |
** |
constant |
3.896 |
.211 |
18.50 |
0 |
3.478 |
4.315 |
*** |
Mean dependent var |
3.567 |
SD dependent var |
0.218 |
R-squared |
0.315 |
Number of obs
90 |
F-test |
7.726 |
Prob > F |
0.000 |
Akaike crit. (AIC) |
-42.045 |
Bayesian crit. (BIC) |
-27.046 |
*** p<.01, ** p<.05, *
p<.1 |
lngini=Log of Gini coefficient, inf=Inflation,
lntrde=log of trade GDP ratio, ineq=dummy for financial inequality (high=1),
growth=economic growth rate. Note: Data refer to 2019. Earlier data
used because of COVID crisis and subsequent disturbances in the world
economy. |
Nepalese Context
services has expanded rapidly in Nepal during the past one decade along with
the expansion of bank branches and adoption of Fintech in financial service
delivery. It has been reflected in the increase in the number of savings
accounts, use of debit cards, wallets, mobile banking as well as internet
banking for payments. Chart 5 shows the growth of various indicators of
financial inclusion over the last seven years.
Access Indicators for Nepal
Source: Author's Estimation from NRB and CBS Data[1]
presented in Chart 5, most of the financial inclusion indicators have shown
rapid progress. Saving account penetration ratio has increased from 83 percent
in 2019 to 149 percent in 2023, mobile and internet banking penetration has
increased from 32 percent to 80 percent and card penetration has increased from
24 percent to 43 percent during the period. After the COVID-19, wallet
penetration has also increased rapidly from 22 percent in 2020 to 64 percent in
2023. The only indicator that grew slowly over the years is the loan
penetration ratio implying a slower progress in access to loans provided by the
banks and financial institutions.
the significant progress achieved in expanding the access to financial services,
inequality in the distribution of financial services is still higher which might
have reduced the benefits of financial inclusion. Chart 6 shows the Gini
coefficients for the district wise distribution of deposits, loans, internet,
and mobile banking as well as the distribution of the branches of the BFIs. In
particular, the Gini coefficient for loan, and deposits are still above 0.50
indicating the need of more pro-equal policies for ensuring a fair and
equitable distribution of financial services.
Gini Coefficient for Districtwise Distribution
Source: Author's Estimation from NRB and CBS Data
Looking from another spectrum, use of loans from the banking
sector shows that the distribution is not even-handed. In terms of the size of
the loans, about 77.7 percent of the loan accounts have a loan size of Rs. 20
lakhs or less while 61.5 percent of the loan accounts have a loan amount of Rs.10
lakhs or less. These 77 percent of the loan accounts use only about 17 percent
of the loan amount from the banking system. On the other hand, there are less
than one percent of loan accounts that use a loan of more than Rs. 5 crores and
use about 33 percent of the total loan amount. Top one percent of the loan
accounts use 39 percent while the top five percent use about 60 percent of the loan
amount (Chart 7). Though, this result is not surprising given the structural
characteristics of the economy and large portion of lending being provided
against the back-up of fixed assets, further facilitation and initiatives from
the government and regulators are required to create an even-handed
distribution of resources from the financial system in the long run.
Chart 7
Distribution of Loans by Loan Accounts
and Amount (%)
inequality indicators are consistent with the findings of Aslan et al. (2017) for
Nepal indicating that the inequality in the distribution of financial services
is still higher which may be one of the causes of weak performance of the
economy in terms of growth and reduction in income equality. These call for
additional efforts in reducing financial inequality to leverage from the
expansion in financial services.
terms of the loans used by economic sectors, most of the sectors have unequal
distribution of loan amount except Agriculture and consumption loan. And in
terms of the loan product, longer term loans including the working capital
loans has more uneven distribution among the borrowers.
Rastra Bank has taken a number of initiatives to expand financial access and
ensure an equal access to affordable financial services. Some of the policy initiatives
Financial Inclusion Road map (2017-22)
Subsidized Loan program
Policy of expanding bank branches in local levels
Digital lending guidelines
Focus on digital payments
Grievance redressal mechanisms
Project based lending practices
Deposit guarantee scheme
Deprived sector lending
Minimum lending requirements to micro, small and medium sized
Collateralless lending under microfinance models
These initiatives have resulted into accelerated progress in
financial inclusion over the years but the inequality in the
financial services has not improved noticeably. It demands future efforts of
the government as well as NRB to improve the quality of access to financial
services and ensure that everyone has such access at easier and affordable
terms. These initiatives could include a lending approach based on the credit
history of the borrowers rather than the current fixed asset backed lending
practices, easier terms of lending for the start-ups, use of digital channels
to reduce the cost of financial services, enhancing financial literacy and
strengthening financial consumer protection.
Conclusion and Policy Implications
Financial inclusion can work as a vehicle for economic growth and
reduction in income inequality. However, in the presence of higher inequality
in the distribution of financial services, the gains from inclusion might not
be realized as expected. This calls the attention of the policymakers to consider
the equality issue so that growth can be achieved with more equal distribution
of the gains. In case of Nepal, financial access has been expanded rapidly in
the recent years which is expected to augment the growth rate, but financial inequality
is still higher which might be one of the major causes of slow progress in the
reduction in income inequality. This implies that policy efforts should be
focused to ensure a more equitable access to financial services.
Secondly, Nepal needs to move further in terms of deepening
financial inclusion as its relative position is weaker compared to more than
half of the economies. This can be done by further promoting digital financial
services while encompassing the unbanked population in the financial inclusion
Thirdly, to reap full benefits from financial inclusion,
structural issues in the economy should be addressed first, so that financial
inclusion can be used as a modern vehicle of growth and equality.
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Published in: NRB-Samachar-69th-Anniversary-Issue.pdf
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