Monday, August 19, 2019

#TQM-Tools and Techniques of Total quality management

Total quality management (TQM) is a management philosophy of continuously improving product/service quality through everyone's commitment and involvement to satisfy customer needs. It is a comprehensive approach for improving product quality and customer satisfaction and becomes possible when an entire organizational structure focuses on quality and customer satisfaction through an integrated system of management.
The following tools and techniques are generally used for total quality management.
 Tools and Techniques of TQM
  1. Value-Added Analysis: Value-added analysis is the comprehensive evaluation of all work activities, materials flows, and paperwork to determine the value that they add for customers. Such an analysis often reveals wasteful or unnecessary activities that can be eliminated without jeopardizing customer service.
  2. Benchmarking: It is the process of learning from best practices of other organizations that produce superior performance. It is a systematic and continuous process of measuring and comparing organization's business processes and practices against those of the best organization. This enables the firm to stay abreast of improvements and changes its competitors are using. Such comparison provides information to the organization to improve its performance and quality.  Benchmarking is of two types: internal and external. The former compares the processes of one unit with the other unit within the same organization. It encourages learning from the best practices existing within the organization and help in upgrading the quality standards and efficiency.  External benchmarking, also known as the competitor benchmarking, compares with the best organization.
  3. Responsiveness: It is one another technique of TQM. The organizations can gain competitive advantage by being better, smarter and faster than their competitors at doing valuable things for their customers. Responsiveness often separates the winner from the losers in the world of competition.  If the organization can respond faster to the customer requests, it is likely to get advantage over others.
  4. Outsourcing:  Outsourcing is the process of subcontracting services and operations to other firms that can perform them cheaper or better. If a business performs each and every one of its own administrative and business services and operations, it is almost certain to be doing at least some of them in an inefficient or low-quality manner. If those areas can be identified and outsourced, the firm will save money and realize· a higher-quality service or operation. It increases efficiency, reduces cost, enhances productivity of resources and improves quality. Above all, it helps focus the energy of the employees to the core functions of the organization in which they have core competencies. The functions that can be outsourced include security, transportation, house-keeping, legal services, canteen services, postal services, postal services, training, data processing and so on.Outsourcing helps in restructuring and downsizing the organizations. Routine tasks in which the organization can get all the benefits of outsourcing without any risk and for which external agencies are easily available are outsourced. Once framed out, they require minimum supervision from the managers of the organization. The organization gets quality services from the specialized outside agencies at cheaper cost.
  5. Reducing Cycle Time: Cycle time is the time needed by the organization to develop, make, and distribute products or services. If a business can reduce its cycle time, quality will often improve.
  6. Quality Circles: The purpose of quality circle is to ensure the best cross section of individuals who work within a given process. Members are brought together to change and improve that process. TQM has become a part of a trend towards increased employee involvement in a variety of work decisions and empowerment.  Quality circles have the potential to do anything that they give employees opportunity to identify and solve real problems of any type. Circle solutions ate superior to the solutions reached by other means. They have good access to useful information, strong commitment to establish and attain their goals. The self-managing work team empowers employees and improves productivity.
  7. Six Sigma: six sigma is a fact based data-driven philosophy of quality improvement that values defect prevention over defect detection. It is to design, measure, analyze and control the input side of a production process to achieve the goal of minimum defects rather than measuring the quality of a product after it is produced. It is a process that uses statistical models coupled with specific quality tools. 
  8. Kaizen: Kaizen refers to the elimination of waste. This technique emphasizes that managers and other employers should be taught to critically analyze all aspects of their organization's production system to identify any sources of waste and suggest ways to eliminate them. Often self managed teams take out time once a week or once a month to analyze the design of their jobs and to suggest potential improvements to functional managers.
  9. Pareto Analysis: Pareto Analysis consists of constructing a bar chart by counting the number of times significant quality problems occur. The tallest bar on the chart represents the most common problem and demand prompt attention.
  10. Fish-bone Diagrams: It is also called cause and effect diagram. It is used extensively by organizations for the identification of various causes and sub-causes responsible for a problem. Such causes are ranked in order of importance and necessary actions are taken to eliminate them. Thus, the manager can systematically identify a likely cause of the problem by constructing a fish-bone diagram.
  11. Control Chart : A control chart is used to monitor variations from the standard. It has three lines: the upper control limit, the lower control limit and the average line. The product, which is outside the acceptable limits is defective and hence is rejected.
  12. Flow Chart : A flow chart is a pictorial representation that shows all the steps in a process. It can be used to scientifically identify the ideal path of a work process. The flow of work activities should follow this path. Any deviation from this ideal path is detected.
  13. ISO 9000: They are set of quality standards created by International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Organiza­tions obtain certification form ISO. ISO standards cover product testing, employee training, record keeping, supplier relations and repair policies and procedures. Originally, these were introduced for manufacturing sector only. However, these days, they are used in the service sector as well.
  14. Statistical Quality Control: A final quality control technique is statistical quality control (SQC). It is concerned primarily with managing quality. Moreover, it is a set of specific statistical techniques that can be used to monitor quality. Acceptance sampling involves sampling finished goods to ensure that quality standards have been met. Acceptance sampling is effective only when the correct percentage of products that should be tested is determined. This decision is especially important when the test renders the product useless. Another SQC method is in-process sampling. In-process sampling involves evaluating products during production so that needed changes can be made. The painting department of a furniture company might periodically check the tint of the paint it is using. The company can then adjust the color as necessary to conform to customer standards. The advantage of in-process sampling is that it allows problems to be detected before they accumulate.
  15. Training: Employees are provided continuous training to improve the quality of goods/services provided by the organization.
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